Filmed in a small town in the south, Mother Love is a fresh look at one of the most formative relationships of a woman's life. It introduces us to four mothers and daughters of contrasting age, class and family dynamics. Their stories reflect individual circumstances, but also echo similar themes, proving there are certain traits that almost all mother/daughter relationships have in common.

The mothers share what is involved in caring for a child from infancy, through the teens and on to adulthood. Closeness and a need for separation are, in turn, revealed by the daughters' behavior and interaction with their mothers. Many of the conflicts arise from the same root-- the mother's desire for their daughter's safety, versus the daughter's desire for independence.

One divorced mother instills feminist thinking in her daughter. Another tries to get her daughter's mind off boys and on to school. One daughter married a man her mother disapproved of and has lived to regret it. Another high spirited daughter dreams of a singing career in New York, while her mother tries to keep her close to home.

This spontaneous and compassionate film will touch a chord among women... as well as fathers, brothers and sons.

Eren Isabel McGinnis and Christine Fugate are the co-founders of the feminist filmmaking collective, Café Sisters Productions. Together they made several cutting-edge films in the 1990s with celebrated cinematographer Sandra Chandler and Academy Award winning editor Kate Amend.